How do you feel about being the breadwinner of the house?


So I’m in a relationship where I’m advancing in my career faster than my bf and thus making significantly more than he does & being the main bread winner - I grew up in a conservative household though and used to live with the mentality that a man should make more money to take care of his spouse, but honestly F that... I’m so proud of myself for being the main money maker.

So to keep things short, the question is, how do you feel about being a lady and being the main bread winner? Times are changing and I think it’s more than acceptable for this! I feel like a boss babe bringing home the bacon.

(And before coming at me to say something about gender and inclusivity, that’s not what this post is about. I get there are many forms of identification. But for the sake of traditional societal norms, I phrased things the way I did)

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