Should I be concerned with how she touches her son? UDPATE

Esther • I’m better than horrible. EMT and Respiratory Therapist

So a friend of mine recently had a baby a few weeks ago. I myself had a baby back in December. Since I haven’t seen her since High School, I thought it would be a cool way to reconnect as it’s sometimes hard to have friends as a new mom. I brought her a dinner and stayed at her house for a bit and met her little one, keeping mine at home out of curtesy.

As we were talking, she casually started to change her son’s diaper, and his penis was erect, which is obviously normal. What was super off to me was how she then started to rub it up and down with her thumb and finger, say she “wanted him to feel good.” Since I haven’t seen her in years I was taken back and didn’t really say anything other than saying I thought it was strange. The more I’ve been thinking about it, the more “off” I feel about the whole thing. Any thoughts on if I should do anything? Or just mind my own business?


I called CPS after all your comments. I left it Anonymous, but I’m sure she’ll know it’s me. We aren’t super close so I’m not loosing anything. I was in he phone for over an hour giving a description of what I saw. They’re filling for and investigation. I feel bad because I really don’t feel she had bad intentions, which I told the person on the phone. They said that if they just feel she doesn’t understand how to take care of a boy they will educate her rather than labeling her a child molester. But it all depends on the investigation. Thank you all for the advice