TMI heavy period

I started my period on 3-3-19 and haven’t stopped yet. Im on day 11 and it’s still very heavy. My dr started me on hormone meds to stop the bleeding but it’s as if it’s gotten worse. I keep having big clots coming out and the ones I have a pic of are actually the smallest ones I’ve had. I keep getting light headed and all I want to do is sleep. Since I’ve already been to the dr, does anyone else have any suggestions as to what to do?😭 the picture of the toilet is right after I took my tampon out. It went everywhere, all over my floor and everything. There was a HUGEEEE clot that fell out in my hand when I took the tampon out but the bleeding was insane. I really just don’t know what to do and Im tired of feeling so drained all the time. Not to mention I have to change my super tampon every 30 min- an hour or I’ll bleed through. Last night I had to change It every hour along with my pad and pants because I kept bleeding through them all.