Birthed the way I planned on the day of my induction 😁

I was booked in to be induced at 6pm, we arrived at the hospital a little early so parked up and went to pay for the car park. My hubby shot off ahead so I didn't have to walk all the way. He came back to me feeling really uncomfortable, I joked and said she's going to come on her own now! We booked in and waited for the midwife to come and do her initial checks on me and the baby. After about half an hour the discomfort got stronger and the midwife appeared. I told her I thought I was contracting so she strapped me up to check baby's heart rate and my contractions. I was right she was coming on her own! I was advised that they would more than likely break my waters and strap me to the drip to get things moving but could have a wait as they were really busy. I went and had a bath to try and relax myself for what's to come. My husband popped home to get a shower around 8pm, the midwife came back just after then and checked my progress I was 4cm dilated. She asked me if I was happy to go down to the midwife led unit for low risk as they felt they no longer needed to interfere. I was over the moon as that's what I wanted all along. I called my husband and told him to grab my mom on his way back and meet me there! By this point contractions were 4 minutes apart! They were coming in thick and fast! I was wheeled down to low risk where hubby and mom were already waiting. Went went in to the delivery room where we were left and monitored every 15 minutes. By 10pm I started to struggle with the pain and it made me sick! Four times! Lol. I just kept apologising. Hubby rubbed my back through each contraction but struggled to stand any longer so curled up on the bed. At 11pm I felt leaking and was convinced my waters had gone, the midwife got me to stand so she could check and there was blood everywhere! I was losing massive clots which sent me into panic mode!! The midwife had concern in her voice and checked me again I was at 7-8cm! She could see my waters bulging and asked me to push on the next contraction to try and break them without interference. I pushed down with everything I had and they came flying out like something out of the exorcist!! We all laughed histerically and told the midwife I felt like I'd just fired out a tennis ball!!! 11:45 I was ready to push, I couldn't wait any longer. The midwife made me go on my pack which I really didn't want and I started stressing but because of the blood I had no choice, she lifted the bed up as far as she could do I could sit upright ish. I pushed down twice and felt her head then once more and she was on my chest at 00:03! Everything just disappeared all that pain and sickness and panic! We were left to spend time with our new princess, she was so perfect in every way! The midwife came back with tea and toast for us all while she checked baby over. I could of eaten a whole loaf I was that hungry! After all of her check baby Olivia Grace Linsley weighed in at 9lb 3oz on 9/9/2015. I couldn't be more happier with how everything went, I was so aware of everything around me and my body the whole time!