Dogs and New babies.


Just wondering if anyone has any Dogs/or other pets for that matter and how there going to get them accustomed to having a newborn around.

We have one medium sized australian shepard dog 2 years old/and one small sized jackrussel/pug dog 1 year old.

There very respectful and obedient with anyone in our house,listen well and have boundaries,and i know they will be great with my little one.

But as soon as we have people come over,thats when the issue starts.

Our main issue is barking,i have tried a little barking house,and numerous kinds of barking collars,nothing works or stops it.

Sometimes its only a bark or 2,but if its a "certain person" or someone wearing a hat,they will just go bonkers and im scared on how a sleeping newborn will react to that.

doorbells and knocking will set them off even more,i have tried getting them accostumed to it,but they dont bark when they know its me.

They do have there own room,but putting them in there when people come over only riles them up more and they bark even more as they hear them talk (we live in a condo,big open space,so no rooms out of range either).

If its just our house and my roomates,there great and they listen so well..but i assume once my little one is here,we will have unfamilar people in and out for quite abit such as realitives.

Absolutely not getting rid of the dogs,not even an option.

-i dont see how a trainer would help,as they are absolutely fine after 3 minutes or so of overreacting and act completly normal and friendly.

-im due anytime now here,and have been trying so many things the past few months,including giving them there own room,but my family (that dont own dogs themselves) are making a big deal of it and its stressing me out last minitue here.

-There NOT aloud in our room anymore.

-I have a barking stop little house set up,it doesnt faze them anymore.

-also they are incredibly attached and cant be seperated at all,which makes the issue much worse,because one dog gets riled up,the other one has to follow and do the same.

They have a kennel in there room,and go to there kennel as soon as we ask them too..except when people are over..there still "puppies by heart" so i understand..but still.

Any advice?