Stretch marks 😭

When I found out I was pregnant I went ahead and started using palmers stretch mark cream twice a day. I also used sugar scrub and coconut oil once a day. I make sure to stay very hydrated. I read that stretch marks have a lot to do with genetics. My mom had 6 kids and my grandma had 3 and neither of them got stretch marks. My mom gained 80 pounds during one of her pregnancies. I’m 35 weeks and barely have a bump I’ve gained maybe 25 pounds and I have stretch marks all over my stomach. Sometimes I look in the mirror and instantly start crying because of how many there are. I see women on here that are pregnant with their 3rd baby and are huge and don’t have any stretch marks. I just don’t understand why I have so many. I tried to do everything I could to prevent them. It makes me very self conscious about myself, to the point where I have dreams about it. I know I shouldn’t care because I’m bringing a baby into the world but it really does bother me a lot ):