Baby Jayce is finally here😍😍

So yesterday around 11am we headed to the hospital because i was having painful contractions about 5-7 min apart. We came and we seen and they told me i was at a 2 and 70% effaced. After 2 hours of monitoring with no change i was sent home around 1pm. We got home and around 2 the contractions started getting much worse. So around 9pm and contractions being consistently 4-5 min apart i decided to head back to the hospital. I arrived and was checked and was told i was now at a 6! I was so happy and ready for my epidural haha. So i got my epidural and was quickly progressing. It all went so fast! Baby Jayce made his appearance at 2:55 am today 9/10/15 weighing 8lbs 6ozs and 19.5 inches long! After his head and shoulders were about the dr actually let me reach down and pull him out myself it was so amazing and he is so handsome!