Trust issues

Hi guys. I am having the hardest time trusting the guy I am with. It’s not because he’s doing anything wrong, I just can’t bear the thought of committing to him (as we are already half way there) and discovering something painful, things like text messages or proof of cheating meanwhile i had no idea. I read about this all the time, it terrifies me to my very core.

I know it’s ridiculous to live this way and i don’t want to be one of these women who take his phone out of insecurities but I overthink every time his phone is in his car etc. This is my first serious relationship and I don’t want to screw it up but am so so afraid of being hurt. Anxiety is present at all times except when we are snuggling together. Please give me advice on how to overcome this. I also don’t want to tell him about these thoughts. He’ll think I’m this obsessive person. But at the same time the more I keep quiet the anxiety is stronger. 😭 Sometimes i’m not sure if it’s my overthinking/anxiety or just a gut feeling. It’s so confusing.