Need to rant


It's no secret that my boyfriend has two exs that are fucking wack jobs. One, TRYING TO GET HIM TO STAY WITH HER, claimed he raped her while he was with me at a movie, called the cops and everything.... not before she called his family and told them that she would die without him. The cops litterally asked her if she was stupid and why she would do that, (... that night we got a ticket not even within 150 miles away from her at the time she called it in. )(not bashing rape victims but she can't lie and use it as a plea to get him to stay with her. Which she admitted after a week to cops) Ugh .

Anyways the second ex is the one that actually bugs me pretty badly. Soooooo they had been a part for 5 years, she wanted to be friends with him and I have no problem with that.

But, while we were all hanging out she brings up where, and how they had sex when they were together and then told me I was immature for saying it was vastly inappropriate and not at all respectful of my current relationship with him.

She has also sent me messages saying she is sleeping with him and he is buying her things and yada yada yada. Bitch I know where his money goes, into our joint account. I don't buy her shit one bit because she told my man that she would leave her fiance for him right in front of he and i.

But that's not the problem, the problem is that my man's SIL is pregnant and the second ex weaseled her way into it and the SIL thinks everyone is lying about it.


Any advice??