Sex at 6.5 weeks. Possibly tmi.


Ok, to put it bluntly my husband wants a blowjob, at this point in time I don’t want to. I like to have sex before he finishes. He said earlier he thinks it’d be a good idea to wait on the actual sex part til at least after our ultrasound on Wednesday so we know the baby is ok. We’ve had 2 miscarriages in the past. Granted I had started taking medroxyprogesterone to induce aperiod. Then finding out in the 2 weeks after I was pregnant. These were 3 years apart. Most recent was in January and I was super early. I’m confident with pregnancy about 80%. I told him the baby was perfectly safe up there and sex doesn’t cause miscarriages. He starts talking about the bouncing and penetration...I told him it’d be fine. But he’s not having I might just do it so good he wants it really bad. Oooh or, get him on the edge then stop unless he agrees. Is that wrong? Lol