Contact sports after C-section, how soon?


Has anyone else had a C-section and returned to playing their contact sport in 4-6 weeks? After my first C-section (emergency, 4 hour surgery with complications), I was medically cleared and played ice hockey at 6 weeks without problems. I just had my second C-section and it was pre-planned, quick, without complications, and I was up and walking within 12 hours. I’m now 2 weeks post-op and feeling great. Never needed narcotics and I’ve been off Tylenol and Motrin for almost a week. My ice hockey team has advanced to league playoffs which start 4 weeks 3 days after my surgery. It’s moderately competitive, comparable to college club level, but non-checking. I’m a captain and the team is low on skaters without me. I’m really tempted to play but know my doctor may not clear me by then (I have an appointment the morning of the first game). Anyone else do contact sports or strenuous activity this early? How’d it go?