Advice on what to do about my boyfriend?

My boyfriend and I have been together over a year now. Before we got together we met on a dating app and he would BEG to see me, I never went through with it... until 6 years later I decided to finally meet him, everything went great, we got together, life was good... now he’s comfortable with me which is fine but he’s not as loving towards me, he’s just got off pills so he’s taking his anger and withdraws out on me, he’s stressed over money so yesterday I went and paid for his gas, food, medicine plus I loaned him some money... he honestly didn’t even say thank you which kinda made me upset but whatever. We are always together but I’m thinking maybe I need to back off some, however, I have no where else to go, no friends or nothing to do. Im really upset over this situation. I love this guy more than words can describe. I want to keep doing nice things to show him I care, I woke him up yesterday morning and he yelled at me so bad I cried then he felt bad and apologized... what would you do?