Should I just be honest with him?

I’ve been seeing this guy and he’s definitely really interested. He just turned 27 and I’m 22. We talked for months before actually meeting because I was away at school. We went a few dates: mini golf, a movie, lunch and cuddling at his house. We’ve kissed but haven’t had sex. He definitely wants to. He straight up will say it. We share the same interests I definitely like him. We’ve been talking for over a year. I met his roommate who is also his best friend of almost 10 years. I just want to know is he bedding me?

Stuff he says/does:

•you’re so cute

•I think your the coolest

•marry me

• when I got to his house the planks on his porch are lose so he’s like “watch your step”, I stepped closer almost falling and he grabbed my hand into his house (HA is this a movie?!?!)

•He picked me up and I put my legs around his waist. He’s like “Yesss”

• I cup his face when I kiss him (that’s how I kiss 😭)

• he kept making sexual innuendos when it was the two of us haha (I thought it was funny)

•I told him “sorry are ok just kissing” and he said “yeah can control myself” I was like *prayers hands and look up* hahaha

•I can be super sassy and savage but I gotta turn that down

•I complimented him and he blushed and kissed me hard “wow well I’m glad you find me attractive, you’re so hot”

•he’s also a nerd and reminds me of my best friend who was my roommate in college

•I’d never steer you in the wrong direction

•he sweeps his thumb across my hand when he holds it when cuddling

•massages my hair when we were cuddling

•”ugh I want to have sex with you!!!!!”

•he will let me smoke weed for the first time with him

•we all talked for hours

•he told me if I need a place to live i can move in. He then told his roommate their house needs a woman’s touch (hmm 👀)

•He kissed me so passionately goodbye on his porch I was breathless. He then says: see you later. I was sooo shook I’ve never been kissed like that. I said mmm bye. As I’m walking down his stairs he says “please please be safe!”

•We’ve gotten more sexual over text and he says he wants to have sex with me because I’m super cool and super attractive. I was like haha um ok. He says: haha what.

My last relationship was so bad it was all sex and no love. I haven’t had sex in a year and I kinda want the next guy I sleep with to be my husband. Y’all see my problem? He is so perfect and he just might be but I also know guys will say anything to get a girl in bed. I’m scared! Should I just tell him that I mean I’ve never had a guy like this he gets me going too 😭 what do it do? Hahaha I sound like I’m 15 😂