
So here it goes last year I had a miscarriage and it would have been our first child, total devastation. So we continued to try and try and had no luck 😔 Around August I begin to have bad stomach pains when my period comes and I vomit for two days straight. So, I went to the Obgyn and he said he saw nothing. Which was great news but my situation didn’t change. So, I’ve been going on and on with the same routine every month and finally last month I had enough so I switched doctors and guess what she found Endometriosis behind my uterus and Polyps at the entrance of my uterus which is causing infertility. So, the scary part surgery!!!!!! Something I didn’t want to hear!!! But if anybody ever had this to happen to them please share your story or experience because I don’t know what to expect but I’m trusting God even though fear is taking place.