TMI warning!!

Hey, I’m new to this app and new to being a mom :) I have a 1.5 month old little boy.

I’m not sure if this is the place for this post so please let me know if it isn’t! I’d just like some advice.

When I delivered (vaginally) my doctor had to stitch me up. She told me I had second degree tearing, the nurses around can confirm, but she wrote on my papers that I had first degree. This was confusing but the nurses and I brushed it off. This may be nothing but I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ about two weeks pp I finally decided to look down there, and when I did I cried. Something isn’t right. I sat in the bathroom for almost an hour trying to find something, anything online that matched what I saw but I found nothing. Eventually I just let it go and convinced myself it was nothing and it would heal properly in no time.

I think it goes without saying, it didn’t.

After tons of googling and checking myself out I have finally figured out that my doctor sewed an extra stitch in the wrong place, this stitch makes it so I am completely unable to put anything (not even a finger, it‘s that small) in my vagina, and it has caused a lot of pain. Some of the stitches have popped since having it done and even 6 weeks out I still cry sometimes when I pee. I see my doctor on the 20th of this month, and by then I’ll be roughly 7.5 weeks pp. I think the stitches have healed now, so I am stuck with this extra piece of skin over my vagina that my doctor will have to cut. My mom told me I should sue, as this has caused me a lot of pain and stress and could very potentially hurt me down the road. Thoughts on what I should do? I don’t know how big of an issue this is, how common it is, how hey would fix it and or anything. Should I get a second opinion after listening to what my doctor says?

What would you do from here in my situation?