This pregnancy is just starting and it is so hard 🤮

I am thankful my little bean is still alive, after my miscarriage last year I told myself I don’t care if I get morning sickness ( I was blessed last time to have no sickness ) or what as long as I can have a healthy baby and pregnancy. But wow god has thrown full force my way, and this isn’t to complain at all I will take it and I will make it thru it I have an amazing husband who is truly amazing and helping me through this. Between the modified bed rest due to my subchronic hemorrhage, which causes bleeding and cramps. To the food aversions that are horrendous and just got worse with the SCH and to top it off nauseous with dizzy spells. I just keep praying that this will all be worth it and in 8 months I’ll be able to hold my baby. So if you have any tips on how to make it through the dizzy/nauseous/food aversions would be greatly appreciated. Trying to keep anything down is super hard.