Advice Please! Previous Miscarriage looking for answers

I suffered a miscarriage back in August 2018. Being that I have PCOs I've been seen a fertility doctor. I was given meds(forgot the name starts with an L) to help me ovulate. My cycle is normally abnormal so I never expected it the following monthso.etimes it happens sometimes it doesn't, but after being told the meds did help me to ovulate I was slightly excited. That was until I started feeling cramping around the time I should have gotten my cycle, which did show, I did for a small portion of the day have a pink discharge, which didn't last an entire day(actual bathroom visit). The cramping hasn't been significant and my AF is still not here. According to predictive data it is now 2 days late. I took a at home PT and it was neg. My doctor schedule me for a blood test, he which he stated that the results were positive for pregnancy. And that he want to test again in 2 days to see if the HCG levels are increasing properly. Should I be concern that after receiving my positive blood test results my pregnancy test at home was still negative? Is this cause for concern?

Currently symptoms


•Tingling in right breast (on and off)

•slight Nausea

•Mild cramping

I super nervous I have no idea when or if I should tell my Fiance.