DAY 10(After 9days of stim),12 measurable follicles.


So i had my US today and showed 12 follicles from 16mm the smallest one to 20mm the biggest one. I thought we will triggered tonight and retrieval on Monday,but my doc told me most likely the retrieval will be on Wedensday. (Not sure why) He also told me the most likely i could develop OHSS due to some symptoms and what he saw on the US. I am not sure but he told me that skinny womans could develop OHSS more than fat ones. I am 175cm tall and 57kg weight,so i am e really good candidate for that 😢😢😢. Did also hormonal blood work and waiting for the results to see what schedule are we doing. I really hope this goes fast..looks like forever to me😔😔😔