No Hope


So it’s been almost 2 years now trying to conceive.. no luck only sadness. It seems as if every person that I’m close to that I tell about me trying for a baby, they have similar problems as I but they are all getting pregnant. I have cried continuously over them sharing their news with me. Of course I am happy for them but it hurts knowing that I have had no luck whatsoever.. I have lost hope.

My Fiancé has a daughter, she’s 5 now. I love her so much but then at the same time I know it’s not the same. I don’t get to here a little me running around calling me mom. I don’t get that special bond with her as I would with my own.. I feel bad that I feel that way cause he says that she’s my daughter too but it’s not in the same way as I would like it to be..

I made an appointment with my OB to see if he could figure out why my lady parts are not working as they should. Praying I can find answers and a solution to this.

It’s just hard to keep hope and to keep trying and to keep seeing all of those negative pregnancy tests. It shatters my heart every single time. Every time I see someone new on my social media get pregnant. It hurt so damn much.. 😭😭