Crush problems, help !!!

Me and this guy have known each other for 5 years . He is so attractive, just looking at him turns me on. We’ve had the odd few conversations here and there , but he’s one of the popular boys and let’s just say I’m not 😂 I always catch him looking at me in our lessons together, and at lunch we always manage to meet eyes across the canteen .Sometimes he says things in lessons that I know are directed at me but his friends don’t know that. He’s so polite and a gentleman, always holding doors open and picking things up for me. His friends tell me that he always speaks about me and is “obsessed with me”. My friends also tell me that he always looks at me when I’m not looking , or that i don’t realise how much he Acc like me . Another issue is that last year he had a girlfriend , and I was dating one of his friends. Him and his gf have broken up and me and this other boy called it quits . But bcoz of this I feel like he’s never gonna talk to me . I’m a nervous wreck and feel so insecure when I look at him, let alone talk to him. Despite everything his friends say to me, I just can’t believe he would ever want to get to know me . Idk if it’s pressure from his friends bcoz I’m not popular of what. Any words would be nice xxxxx if you read this far, thankyou !!