Foremilk/hindmilk imbalance?

Jamie • Momma to my sweet girl and another blessing on the way! And wifey to my good man!
LO is 6 weeks old on Monday and was 5 weeks premature. She still gets so sleepy at the breast and we are still having to use a shield 50% of the time. Lately her poops have been green on top of the insane amount of gas that she has. I'm talking screaming in pain followed by gas that sounds like it should be coming from hubby vs a 6 week old baby.I've been pumping twice a day on top of feeding on demand in the hopes to get a stockpile of milk in the freezer for when I return to work. Now I'm worried that I've created an oversupply on top of my over active letdown. Should I cut out pumping to fix this?I've also read that it could be due to a dairy sensitivity so I'm going to cut out all dairy and see if that helps but I'd rather try to see if it's an imbalance first.. I'm at a total loss on how to fix this!