Pregnant with Baby #2, Advice on Caring for a Toddler and Newborn

Treasure • Mother to Greyson 💙Aug 2 17 and Gabriel 10 26 19 💙

I just found out a few days ago that I am pregnant with Baby #2. I do not go to the OB until next week where they want to do an ultrasound to see how far along I am. I can already feel and see where the Baby is moving around my belly. So I think that maybe I am already in the second trimester now. I still feel like I'm kind of in shock that this is real but I'm also excited. I don't know how I didn't figure it out until now.

My first child, Greyson is 18 months old and may be around 2 when his sibling arrives. I am really worried about how to balance both and making sure my son's emotional needs are still met while I care for the newborn too. I live with my grandparents and me and my son cosleep and share the same room.

I know that there are plenty of parents that have taken care of children this close in age and I know it will take time, but I'm sure I'll eventually get the hang of it. If Any one has any advice on how to manage and how to get my 18 month old use to the idea or somehow prepare him, it would be greatly appreciated