Irregular Period Struggles


Hi ladies! I could use some advice. My hubby and I have been TTC for 13 months. I’ve finally got an appointment scheduled for mid-April to start some fertility testing, however I’ve had some issues the past two months and I’m not sure what to do. Here’s the scenario:

I’ve been off the pill for 14 months. Since I stopped taking that I’ve had irregular periods, which I also had before getting onto the pill. The time span between my periods has ranged from 28 days - 48 days. Usually it falls between 30-32 days, but there have been a couple times where it lasted into the high 40’s due to high amounts of stress in my life.

My last period started on January 21st and it’s currently 55 days from the time it ended. I’ve taken 2 pregnancy tests (March 1st & March 9th) and they both came back negative. I’ve been tired and sometimes feel a bit nauseous but I do not have any other pregnancy symptoms. On Feb. 24th - 27th I had spotting (I did not assume it was my period because it was very light bleeding that was not consistent throughout the day. When it was present, it seemed to be darker brown in color). I wasn’t even close to my normal periods which last 5 days, are light the first day, heavy the second, and then taper off. I have not been stressed recently so I don’t believe it’s the cause of this missed period.

Also, hubby and I hadn’t had sex for a few weeks because I haven’t been feeling great and have been anticipating the start of my period. Finally we did yesterday and once we were done I experienced pain (similar to cramps but very severe) for about 10 minutes. We almost went into the ER but the pain subsided and did not return.

It may also be important to note that I started drinking Pink Stork fertility tea on Jan. 28 (3 days after my period ended). I felt like with my missed period in February that something was up and stopped drinking it by the end of February. Could this have affected my body in some way that I’m not getting my period anymore?

Does anyone has any similar experiences? The earliest ob gyn appointment I could get was the April 11th slot… should I go into an urgent care in the meantime to get checked out? Could I possibly be pregnant??