Breastfeeding ?'s


Tomorrow my baby boy is 4 weeks old, we have been exclusively BF since birth. We had to work hard on it, from getting away from the sheild and tge rough week to figure out latching. We got it down, and I love it, he loves it, we are happy.

Unfortunately I had a wisdom tooth that broke off and it's under the gum. Went to the dentist and got sent to a oral surgeon. Monday I go in now to have all 4 wisdom teeth pulled.

I'm so stressed because I don't really pump very well and I'm trying to get a stock set up for the days I'm going to be using medication. At the same time trying to not have little guy nursing so much when he usually nurses alot throughout the day. We started supplementing a little with formula so that we know he won't have a reaction and to make sure he's getting what he needs if I can't pump enough.

It's really making me sad just thinking about the days we can't BF. I know I still have to pump and dump to keep my supply up. But I'm kind of scared afterwards that he won't remember how to nurse, or even want too. Anybody else ever go through something simular?