Always had a problem with my body..

So I grew up with a mom who ponded into my head fat/over weight/“thick” women will never be loved or find a husband.. they all get made fun of etc...

my mom was over weight and I guess didn’t want me to follow her footsteps 🤷🏽‍♀️ my older sister was thick (not fat, she was healthy just had big boobs and booty with alittle tummy) and she would bash my sister for being “fat” and “ugly”

Well here I am 2 kids in I’ve never been over 105 pounds (on my own) being pregnant I never hit over 120 ... my mom saw me a week before I had my 2nd and she called me fat and tried to rub in my face how much weight she lost and how she’s catching up to my size and blah blah blah... she had weight lose surgery and kept rubbing it my face I was getting ugly and fat

I’m 7 weeks PP and I’m currently weighing 103

I’m having problems with the way I look afterwards but I finally went to Victoria secret to get a new bra and found a cute gym outfit well I took a pic and sent it to my s/o

He didn’t even know it was me and said “ewww that’s ugly who is that”

😭 I about died in shock..

this is the picture I sent him

Is he really right ?!

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Girl I wish I looked that good after having my son. You look absolutely wonderful! Don’t listen to them. You look good for having kids and you’re a healthy weight. I hope he was kidding because that’s ridiculous! I still don’t look that good and I’m struggling with everything.