Well idk what to do!

Rebecca • Just a mommy enjoying life :)
So my fiance of 3 in a half years decides randomly that he doesn't want to be with be anymore. I am pregnant with our second child right now. He said it is because he needs more sex. So I am taking it as he is trying to find someone that can give him more or already did idk. He doesn't understand that when I get home from work at midnight I wanna sleep I am in pain from standing I am a server. When I get home I want to relax not have sex and he doesn't understand. So that's his reasoning for breaking up with me. That and there has been this girl that he knew from high school that he has been talking to. She is recently divorced with a kid so idk if she convinced him to leave or what. But I am devastated that he would do this to me. And his family. Like he just wants to leave me and his son and the son in my belly. Idk what to do at this point. All I wanna do is cry but I don't wanna put that stress on my body right now:( I am officially heartbroken. I feel like he never did love me to do this because he wants more sex. Idk:( any advice would be helpful at this point.