tips/help on breasts... desperate


I'm 17 and I still don't have enough boob to use a 32-A bra. I've researched so many different things, from natural foods to eat to plastic surgery to pectoral exercises. I've tried so many different things yet nothing seems to catch on. I understand that some people are just flat chested, but this is creating a huge confidence drag.

I refuse to wear V neck shirts or dresses you shouldn't wear a bra with. I always have some form of padding to make it seem like I have something. genetically, all my family members have boobs. I turn 18 this year, I've had my period since I was 11, been growing pubic hair, dealt with all the facial breakouts.

I'm dealing with a major self confidence issue, I feel so dehumanized for not having the body part that I feel makes me the most feminine.

I've dealt with femininity issues my whole life, and with having little to no boob has caused me to think of myself as less of a woman. I'm even scared to wear a bathing suit.

my boyfriend and I have been having sex regularly and I'm still terrified to take off my shirt. he knows how I feel about myself and he loves me anyways but even his validation isn't enough to calm my worries.

I've been researching surgical and non surgical breast augmentations and the side effects are really getting to me, i suffer from a panic disorder that comes and goes as it pleases. my triggers are extremely odd so I could be fine for months but be off the rails for weeks. due to this panic disorder I have an overwhelming fear of going under which is required for surgical/non-surgical breast augmentations.

I know I'm only 17, I still have time to grow, but I still have the same boobs I had when I was 11. I want to be proud of my body, I want to be able to go to the beach or waterpark on a hot florida summer day and feel happy. I dont even care for big boobs, I just wish I had a least something to wear a bra with.

I don't really know how to go about things or what advice could be given.

I think I may be looking for comfort or reassurance that I'm not the only girl out there like this. I just feel really alone about it all, I dont really have any girlfriends and It's kind of hard to make some... so I dont know... honestly anything would help.