Clomid help!


Hey all! I’m currently on my third round of clomid which i started taking because I was not ovulating on my own. My first 2 rounds I had a positive OPK on CD 14 and my 21 day progesterone came back at around 14 meaning I ovulated those cycles. For those rounds I took the medication in the morning and this round I took it at bedtime. I have not yet seen a positive OPK this cycle and I’m on CD 15 however i have had my usual symptoms of ovulation (bloating, cramping on the left side, and painful cervix during intercourse). I was wondering if it’s possible I just missed the surge even though I’ve been testing at the same time I usually do (around 4pm) or if it’s likely I just didn’t ovulate this cycle? I have my 21 day bloodwork scheduled so I’ll find out next week but I’m just really down today because I started using preseed and changed my diet including eliminating caffeine and my husband and I made sure to have sex more that usual so I was hoping it would be this cycle and if I didn’t ovulate I feel like there was never even a chance. 😔