7dp5dt BFN 4th IVF cycle

Amy • ttc #1 for 6yr One chemical pregnancy and surgery for cervical cancer. Three IVF failed cycles. Now cc free, and considering our next steps!

It’s day 7 post 5 day embryo transfer with a grade A blast. I tested on Saturday (I’m a POAS addict) and got a negative however in a cruel joke a hour later once it dried there was a light pink second line so of course I got all my hopes up. Today I tested and it’s a BFN. I know it’s early to test but I had a chemical before that showed up on day 6 so thought I had a shot. I am having some tightening in tummy (prob AF) but otherwise no symptoms. I can’t do this anymore I am such a failure. We have spend years trying and had 4 goes at <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. We are exhausted emotionally, financially, physically. I just wanna go to sleep and not wake up.