Residual HCG or new Pregnancy

Mama of Three 🥰 ❤️❤️💙

I had a D&C on Feb 20th after finding out my baby didn't have a heartbeat. At 13 days post I used a dip stick and the test was negative I didnt want to buy more pregnancy tests as hubby and I decided we were not going to be having another baby. That was my 13th miscarriage. Well this weekend I started feeling very fatigued and my breasts started hurting. I took a test this morning at it was positive but it was an .88c sp I thought maybe evap. I bought a first response and took it this afternoon (might I add I already had drank about 3/4 gallon of water, hubby and I ran 13 miles this morning). My urine was super clear. Well it came up positive faint but positive. I am not sure if its residual HCG or not. I know I ovulated around 14-15 days post D&C and hubby and I had an "oops" night on the 13th (ironic) as the rest of the time we have been using condoms.

What is your opinion?