Thanks for reading my rant

Getting engaged was the best thing ever! My mom says that I’m selfish for getting engaged right out of college because I should have waited longer (my fiancé and I have been together for 1yr in June) that I should have help my family more. That I am ungrateful and inconsiderate of my father (his paid for my college and car while I was in school) that I should have help my brothers who’ve always been in second place because of me. I have been inconsiderate because when I got engaged i only thought of my future with him and our future family. She’s made me feel like getting married shouldn’t be something I do ever. She’s made me feel like the only real choose I’ve made is wrong. She blames me for my dad “giving up his marriage for me”. I’ll put it out there I have been a crappy ungrateful selfish daughter but it seems like the more I want to change she doesn’t let go of it. She says she would approve if it wasn’t too soon because she like him but that I should have waited a least a year. She also says what they point that I go to church if I don’t change and how the whole family was counting on me and how I’m technically a disappointment.