Baby throws up after almost every feed..


She's had spit up problems since she was 2 weeks but doc wasn't concerned since she's gaining weight like crazy. I have been burping her every 3 mins of breastfeeding. Then I keep her up for an hour after eating. She always looks nauseous after she's done, even if she doesn't end up throwing up. She makes a disgusted face then licks her lips and usually ends up throwing up her whole feed or close to all of it. What can I do to reduce the spit up/vomit? Don't know what it is anymore. When she vomits she gags and it even comes out her nose. After she gets so congested. I have to nose frida her nose. I'm lost. Help :(

She spits up around 3 out of 4 feeds

UPDATE: Baby is now almost 11 months. She grew out of it by 4 months! Just saw this in my posts and thought I should update. Lol