Is it manipulations or what is it?

Stepchildren just stated that they are proud of themselves for the way they can always get their way with my spouse. I see it and both sides of family & other outsiders, counselors, all see it.. but spouse doesn't see it or believe it. The children bluntly speak how proud of themselves of it they are. They get mad at me and say they will make up lies about me if I tell my spouse things about them that can get them introuble with my spouse. Evil things have already been told about me and the other children in the home, and the stepchild said that I deserve it for telling my spouse about things that child doesn't want my spouse to know about.

1. Where do I stand?

2. What do I say, or not say?

3. What should my thoughts be?

4. Are we in the right for not having any trust and having fear of the stepchilds mouth?