
Okay so here's the deal. I love my husband to death, but I swear this man WILL NOT touch a single dish he puts into the sink. I right now am pretty much a house wife, which I don't mind. I do all the laundry every single day, I sweep and mop the floors every other day, I dust every other day, I clean the counters everyday, I clean our bedroom and bathroom everyday, I take care of the trash everyday, I cook when he doesn't want to, I get the house all pretty and sparkly for him, and literally ever since I've moved in about 5 months ago I have done dishes every single day. Well the other day after I finished cooking and taking care of him because he didn't feel good I out the dishes in the sink to clean later. Well that same day after he started feeling better he told me if I clean the counters he will do the dishes. So of course I got very happy and took him up on his offer. Well it's been about 3 days now of me asking him to do them and what happened? Oh yeah that's right, "Do all the laundry, dust, sweep and mop the floors clean the counter tops and do the dishes" he said. As I replied " I will gladly do all those things but the dishes since you told me a few days ago that you would do them". His response "I work all day while you are at home in the a.c. and with a t.v., I never ask you to come here and work outside" . So of course I was like "well you know I've told you to do the dishes before you went back to work for two days straight now, but sure fine I'll do the dishes". So I get in there to do the dishes and smell this nasty smell. And once again he just left food all over his plates and bowls, and this time it was chicken, macaroni, and ice cream. I've asked him since the day I moved in to clean his plate and bowls out before putting them in the sink, and Everytime he responds "of course I'm sorry I promise I will" but it still has yet to happen. That is literally the only reason I hate doing his dishes. He just let's it stink it up! It is not fun touching soggy, stinky food! Sorry y'all I just needed to rant.