Advice? Thoughts?


Just wanna start out with, Ive been holding this in a very long timeand this is going to be very long. I’m 17, and I’m 33 weeks pregnant. I’ve been with my boyfriend 2 years and since the beginning of my pregnancy (except about 3 months) we’ve lived with his parents. We moved out for a while, and moved back in to save money. The problem I’m facing is his parents, I never grew up having someone to guide me (clearly I’m pregnant at 17) nobody ever really was there for me, that kinda thing. At time I’d say I raised myself besides the basics like food and shelter. I was also abused. So, I don’t really know what parents are supposed to be like with their almost 19 year old son, but I feel like they’re so overbearing to the point where when they call I have to leave the room because they want every detail of our lives, want to voice opinions on things that don’t matter, ect. And it drives me nuts. We have no privacy and at times, no basic respect. I’m not sure if I’m annoyed by it because I never had someone over my shoulder ever, or because it’s just genuinely something they shouldn’t be doing. There were times when we were living in our own house that they’d just show up and walk in and go in our room and look through the house and just- well, act like they live there. His mom would come over and yell at him like he was 5 & when he got upset back, his dad would call him the next day and lecture him. Another problem I’m having is that ever since I wanna say 18 weeks (that’s when I noticed it) his parents have been super entitled to our kid. Telling us they’re gonna keep him overnight (Which I am extremely uncomfortable with & they even took a bassinet that someone gave US, for themselves so he could stay over night. During Christmas they told us they were going to take him and take all his baby pictures how they wanted them. (Not exact wording but I was not interested in any of the pictures she wanted to take- putting my baby in his dads tool bag, in a dump truck, ect.). My most favorite thing she’s done was, I shared a photo on Facebook about kissing my baby and how uncomfortable I was and it had other stuff on the picture like don’t just show up at the hospital or post pictures of my baby before my boyfriend & I get to- she commented and said she was gonna kiss him anyways. I cried for hours. If I say anything, the sky falls and I’m a bitch and whatever words his dad wants to call me that day. (He has a habit of speaking very negatively about me, he hates everything I do and say, even if it’s something small which I will get to in a minute) so I just cried about it and his mom told his sister that it was bullshit I didn’t want anyone kissing my baby and all those stories you hear are bullshit as well. More recently she’s getting more possessive, she got a swing for free that she planned on keeping apparently because she told me to get one from this lady for $30 for when we move out in a few months. She’s bought stock piles of diapers and wipes, she keeps buying bath toys and such and she has no intention on giving it to us, it’s all for her but we live in the same house as of now so she really doesn’t need it because we’re gonna be taking care of him with our stuff. And when we move out, I’m still not gonna be comfortable leaving him overnight so what does she need all this stuff so bad for. She also has a bad habit of telling me how and what to do (which I understand, it’s just I feel like I’m not allowed to do anything my way or even try just because I’m a first time mom and I can’t say I wanna try things my way because again, if I do I’m whatever name in the book his dad comes up with) That being said, the whole ordeal with his dad is that apparently he doesn’t like the way I do things. I’m hard headed, I don’t put up with nonsense well, if I don’t like something usually I say something. Especially if it comes to the way I’m being treated or something I’m just completely uncomfortable with. My boyfriend and I use to butt heads a lot because In the beginning I couldn’t keep my mouth shut, his siblings are so disgusting and disrespectful and it drives me NUTS. To this day I can’t stand the way they act, they do whatever they want, whenever and talk to people however. They’re 8, 16 & 12. The 8 year old is still in diapers & leaves them everywhere. Which is disgusting and when I tell her to clean them up, I’m immediately attacked verbally by whatever adult is around. She’s 8, she shouldn’t be in diapers anyways why am I being yelled at for telling her to get her nasty diaper off the bathroom floor? But as we’ve gotten older, I just shut my mouth about everything and anything. I only tell my boyfriend when I disagree with something and he can say whatever it is because I’m tired of being treated like I’m 4. Recently, about 2 or 3 weeks ago, his brother who is 12 and doesn’t shower or brush his teeth, decided it was alright while we were away all day to LAY IN OUR BED and play on our Xbox- all of course without asking. When I came home I simply said that was gross and washed our sheets. His parents haven’t let it go, they can’t understand why that’s gross. So badly I just want to say “well you can smell his feet in the bathroom from his room, and his room is gross too. Smells like a garbage truck crashed into it” but I can’t so I just let them think I’m being a bitch 🤷🏼‍♀️ Last night his dad called and said that it doesn’t matter if I think it’s disgusting that he was in our bed, I don’t pay the mortgage and it’s not my house. He’ll come shit in our bed and wipe his ass with our sheets if he wants to. And if we don’t like it, our shit will be in the driveway and he’ll change the locks. Which to me, is kinda ridiculous and unnecessary, don’t understand why it’s that serious, don’t understand why he needs to talk to adults that way or threaten with throwing our stuff in the driveway over me saying I think it’s gross that he was in our bed. I’m sure people are going to ask, my boyfriend does defend me most times because I really just don’t do anything wrong. I stay to myself for the most part, don’t say much but every once in a blue mood and still get verbally abused for some reason. But when he does try to defend me, his dad always tries to fight him lol I’ve never seen anything like it, he gets in his face and tells him to hit him and puffs out his chest- I don’t know it’s different every time but you get the gist. I’m sorry this was so long, if you’re still reading, thank you. I just need advice, mostly about the baby possessiveness & the whole overbearing thing.