
Emma • 22. Married. TTC #1. Cosmetologist.

March was my first month TTC, I came off the pill after 5 years. I began taking ovulation tests as soon as my period ended and got my peak when my calendar predicted. I have taken early pregnancy tests the past 2 mornings with FMU and they’ve both been negative. I still have no signs on my period. I had what I thought was implantation symptoms at 7dpo along with several added symptoms all week, leading me to believe there was a good possibility I am pregnant. Now I’m thinking it could have been PMS symptoms which I never had while on the pill aside from cramping the day before my period. My biggest fear has been that my body would go back to the irregular cycles I had before I got on the pill. At 16dpo especially if implantation occurred when I thought it might be, or even a few days afterward, shouldn’t I be getting positives at this point? I know I’m not out until my period comes, I just didn’t expect my period to be late since my ovulation was spot on. My period was due today, I’ve had no cramping whatsoever and more discharge than usual with a different smell. Has anyone else had a similar experience? I know my body is getting used to being off the hormones. Any opinions appreciated!