Kinda irritated because I'm sick... 😠

🐘YeahForReal🐘 • Hello there, I'm willing to tell you a bit about myself. I am in love with muffins and cinnamon rolls but that's only because I'm pregnant with a baby boy who should be here Jan 2!!
Okay so I'm 24 weeks and I have this horrible chest cold which keeps me up all night coughing my lungs up. Well I just found out that my MIL turns the air down to about 50℉ when she goes to bed, which is well after I do... I said something to her about how cold it is in the house and she goes "yeah it's freezing! Cold enough to hang meat in here!" And I asked if we could maybe keep it at a normal temperature at night because me, husband and daughter are sick and aren't getting better and she goes well I like it cold in the house... I think she's trying to kill us 😨