Is there still hope? 🤞🏼

Kyleigh • Married to my best friend 10-14-17*6year old*👼🏼👼🏼👼🏼angel babies 6-12-18/10-5-18/12-20-18* ttc rainbow baby 🤞🏼🙌🏼

After I got a positive on a pregnancy test I called the doctor. I’ve had 3 miscarriages back to back! D&c done in Jan so I dnt kno how far along I am! I asked the doctor to do a beta test and progesterone test to see where my levels are. My first beta was 24.3 and my progesterone was 0.17 so she started me on progesterone 200mg my next draw 4 days later was 22.4. Then 3 days after tht 30.8. Doctors order for me to get my blood drawn until they tell me stop. Has anyone had this happen to them and had it stick. I’m trying to be hopeful but dnt wana get my hopes up! Is this levels good or?