Iui success story!

Ari • Registered Nurse 👩‍⚕️ Baby#1 on the way! Due November 2019

My husband and I have been trying for a year to get pregnant and over the course of this year we both had testing done to make sure there wasn’t any medical diagnoses that would negatively effect our chances. Well, turns outer both had problems. I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. My cycles were anywhere from 44 days to 85 days. Yes, that thyroid can really screw things up. My husband was diagnosed with Low Sperm Count sperm count and was told he was Pre-Diabetic. I was immediately put on Levothyroxine (“Synthroid”). My levels ere still fluctuating but. Veining to even out. *KEY: ALWAYS TAKE LEVOTHYROXINE ON EMPTY STOMACH* He was told to exercise more and watch what he ate. Still, months later, nothing was happening. After researching FairHaven Healths products, we found a fertility blend of three supplements including FertilAid for Men, Motility Boost for Men, and Count Boost for Men. After taking these supplements for almost three months, my husbands sperm count more than doubled and his motility almost doubled.

So when we got his repeat semen analysis after taking the supplements for three months, we decided, with our doctors recommendations, that February would be the month to try and

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>

. Yay! Because my cycles were so irregular and still weren’t evening themselves out despite thyroid medication, it was decided that I would go on Clomid that cycle. The Clomid (just 50mg CD3-7) was supposed to make me ovulate earlier than usual and then we would go ahead and do the

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>


Well, my period or CD1 if you will, came Feb 1st. I took the Clomid CD3-7 (CUE THE NIGH SWEATS) I thought all was well. I’m an Open Heart Surgical Nurse. I do Conary Artery Bypass Grafts, Mitral/Tricuspid/Aortic Valves, Emergency Open Heart Surgeries and Vascular cases. I take about 15 call shifts a month. Scheduling

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>

is all about timing. I decided I would request no call for the weekdays of Feb12-16th assuming I would ovulate one of those days. Well, the week of “Ovulation” came and nothing was happening. In fact, I had actually gotten the flu the week before that so maybe that screwed things up or maybe the 50mg of Clomid just wasn’t enough for me. I was bummed. My doctor said I was probably having an annovulatory cycle and to be on the lookout for my period.

So okay. Cool. I went on with my day to day life and just thought whatever we will try again next month. So CD27 comes and my doctor calls me and says she checked my levels just to see where I was at in my cycle and surprisingly, it appeared that my body was getting ready to ovulate...on it own....!!!! I was at work til about 10pm that night on call with an emergency and was expected to be back at 630am as always. My doctor said she had 730am and 2pm available to do the

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>

the next day. I took the 2 pm and wrote on our board at work that I was leaving at 145 the next day. Well, I get to work and my boss says “you can’t just decide when you want to come and go”, “you need to be a team player.” I told her I had an important doctors appointment to go to that came up last minute. She basically said I couldn’t leave to go to some silly doctors appointment and that she couldn’t let me leave. The conversation made me so upset i ended up crying my eyes out and telling her what I was really leaving to go do. Did she care? Nope. She said okay but we are busy. I said listen I’m sorry I have either leave ONE HOUR EARLY today after always staying late and coming in on my days off, but this comes first in my life right now and I am leaving at 145 today, sorry. She was not happy but whatever.

I left work. I went and had a great

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>

. I went straight home and rested for the remainder of the night. Had lots of cramping for that day and the next. Well, 9 days later I got this

Fast forward to to the days leading up to my period I got this

And here I am now at 5 weeks and 1 day and I am pregnant! My current Hcg levels are at 4149. I am so happy I didn’t let my boss influence my decision about leaving work that day. She got over it. And in fact my boss above her ended up apologizing for what happened that day.

So all in all, I pray that everything goes well and that God blesses us with a happy and healthy baby.

Baby Dust to everyone out there and remember, stand your ground!