Help need some advices


How not to give up on trying to conceive. For me is a struggle to get pregnant ! Before my period was irregular and sometimes it lasted for a month or it didn’t come for like 2-3 months and I always thought I was pregnant but it never happened cus after my period came and it tooked like 2 weeks to finish! And I was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome few years back and not long ago I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism gland. So it explained why I couldn’t Get pregnant and supposedly I was over weight I was 227-230 so it was hard for me to get pregnant ! So once the doctors already told me to conceive on my own was going to be hard my husband and I decided to do treatments to help us get pregnant ! We were doing it and we had like only 2-3 steps to go but i feel like my husband and I lost hope cus our budget wasn’t good so we had to stop ! Before when my period was irregular I use to buy a lot of ovulation test when we were trying to do it on our own it was always coming out negative I was never ovulating or fertilizing and pregnant test were negative so it just made me lose hope and it made me think I probably can’t have kids 😔 ! Now that I lost weight I weigh 208 and before I was 227-230. I get my period every month but it comes 2x in the same month and my period last for 5-8 days I don’t know if it’s normal ! I’m working out ! And like 3 weeks ago I decided to give the ovulation test another chance and I tooked the test in the morning I think and it was a negative and I started getting sad again because I always had bad luck on those but something told me to do it again at 8 pm and when I tooked a look at the test it said I was fertilizing and I got so happy cus it was always a negative before . So I check the next day on the morning to c if I was really fertilizing and I was. But idk what happened that I wasn’t ovulating! And then my period came ! But it last only like 5 days and it finished so I had to buy another ovulation test and again I was fertilizing and then I couldn’t believe it that I was ovulating so my husband and I went to (work and got busy ) that was last week . So. Now supposedly my period had to start already so what I did is that I tooked a pregnancy test but it came out negative 😪 and I used a digital clear pregnancy test and it came out negative! And I feel so sad because having a baby is what I want ! And I’ve been trying for so long . That it makes me just want to give up but once I really want to be a mom and I have a baby I feel like I have no choice but to still try . It’s just so hard to keep continuing when you feel like you lost hope or when you feel like your depressed! when all the pregnancy test comes out negative! . I just want to try to conceive on my own but it’s just so hard! I just want to have my own little family !