High risk rainbow 🌈 baby.

Courtney • First child beautiful son born 5/6/2015. Second son born 9/8/2016. Third son born 3/9/2018. Baby #4 heaven baby Sept 2018. Rainbow Twins due thanksgiving 2019!

Today I am 4w2 days and had a miscarriage in October. So this is our rainbow baby 🤗

I had my first appointment with my OB today. Obviously couldn’t see a sac/baby due to being so early but he said I had a beautiful cyst (corpus luteum) and fluid behind my uterus which all shows I ovulated perfectly. We did blood work (beta and progesterone levels).

Just got the call HcG is 309 and progesterone was 60!!! Last time when I miscarried my progesterone was 6.... so he is very very happy and I’m over the moon!

Follow up Monday for more blood work.

Good luck mamas! Stick beans to us!