About to give up!


I’ve been TTC for 8 months now on number 4 (my husbands 2nd). I had a chemical miscarriage in December so We decided to go to a fertility clinic and check everything out.

My results came back normal. The consultant was rubbish answering my questions with “not particularly” or “your age” yes I know I’m 40!!

I had some bloods done to check my AMH levels and received a call from the consultant to say they were normal “for my age”

When I had the results emailed to me I was confused about what I was looking at so requested a call back from a different consultant.

Well, that call came, I was told that I have a low AMH result and the chances of conceiving are low and I’ll be trying for a long time and probably never conceive.

I’m absolutely gutted!!

Anyone have a low AMH and still got pregnant naturally?