I’m in work and I am fuming.

I’m in work, he knows I hate my jobs and he knows I get stressed when I am here and my boyfriend texts me while I’m in this hell hole ‘can you go to your mums tonight I need some space’ first off fuck no I have paid my half of the rent this month so he want me to leave my home as well as your because you need space then I want my rent money back!!!! Sorry I am just really angry and I’ve had enough.

Update I have come home and he won’t talk to me I feel like I can’t even go into my bedroom to get my clothes and charger.. I feel to leave because his is making me feel uncomfortable in my home! he does this like once in a blue mood and I hate it with a passion I feel like we don’t even know each other when he gets like this.


I slept downstairs I can’t believe it he comes down stairs and I was laying there and he just turned all the lights off I’m fuming he’s the one the wants space he should be the one to sleep downstairs