Giving Up

I don’t know if I’m in the correct group but I apologize dearly.. My history, this was or is going to be my first pregnancy ever! I’m stuck at crossroads and I’m ready to give up. I went to the Emergency room 3/16 for spotting it started to turn brown it only happens when I pee no pain besides pregnancy symptoms the Dr. said this could be a threatend miscarriage but my report says I’m good. I was told by the er to have a follow up appt with my OBGYN so I called because even after 2 days after the hospital visit the same thing was happening my Dr. wasn’t in all week until 3/22 when i was at the hospital they told me that I was exactly 6weeks and 1day due to blood test results and vaginal ultrasound and regular ultrasound, so when I went to see my OBGYN he gives me a 1 min ultrasound then tells me I’m not pregnant, I sit back confused show him the drs paper and then he tells me I’m 8 weeks I say no I’m 7 weeks as of today he as giving so much terrible advice I cried and walked out my boyfriend stayed to get more information, as soon as we arrive at the house my boyfriend and I started arguing he was upset because i called my childhood friend for advice he was upset it turned into this huge fight where I was being thrown around pulled by my hair slammed on the floor and I was screaming I even prayed hella loud I was so scared I told him that I was officially scared of him because he would cuss me out fight me and then push me back after telling me to leave then asking NO BEGGING me to stay. I’m at the point of just giving up all together I don’t know anything and if I did have a miscarriage i wouldn’t know, and I’m guessing after that fight that it raised my chances
