UPDATE: Ingrown hairs?! Pimple?! Something worst!!!?? ⚠️TMI PICTURE BELOW⚠️

A few days ago around Wednesday, I was feeling some external vaginal comfort. So then on Wednesday night, I got a mirror, a flash light and saw that I had bumps down there!! It doesn’t hurt/burn when I pee, but I have felt them and they’re pretty sensitive. I accidentally scratched them too, but when I put a pad on, they rub against the pad sometimes and causes some discomfort. I also shaved Monday night after shaving last Thursday night, so I’m not sure if they’re ingrown hairs, pimples, or something worst!! But if they are ingrown hairs, or razor bumps, please leave how to heal them quick below!!! I scheduled an exam with my dr but her next available appointment is in May!!!!! Anything helps!

~ Please no hate or judgment. Thank you ~

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This is this morning 11:25am 3.24.19, wearing pads sort of hurt and one of the bumps are white. How should I heal them properly with no infection?? The only thing scaring me is infection 😩

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