Help with meds and ppd first time mom

I’m 3 months pp currently. I went on zoloft at about a week pp at 50 mg that didn’t helped so I went up to 100 and that helped for about 3 weeks and then I dropped back down to depression and anxiety again so they upped me to 150. That helped for two weeks and then once again I became a wreck. My doctor added Wellbutrin xl at 150 mgs and it’s really helped keep my head above water for the past month so it’s worked the longest but for the past few days I’ve been fighting off sad feelings and anxiety. It’s like I can laugh but there’s this dark cloud looming over that as soon as I’m happy takes away all my sunshine. If that even makes sense. I just don’t know where to go from here. Is this how it will always be? I feel so lost and scared.