Subchorionic Hemmorage to blame for loss?

I got pregnant via frozen transfer of a 5 day blastocyst in January. At 6 weeks 0 days I experienced sudden pain and a gush of red blood. The pain lasted about an hour and the bleeding (similar to day one of period) lasted about 3 before tapering off to spotting. My fertility doctor had me come in for an ultrasound. My husband and I feared the worst but to our suprise we saw the yolk sac and a heartbeat estimated to be at 100bpm. I was diagnosed with an SCH and told to go home and become a couch potato. They explained I had a 20-30% chance of misscarrying but likely the SCH would resolve on its own. They also told me to expect weeks of spotting. We saw the baby again at 6 weeks 5 days and 8 weeks 1 day. At that last appointment the heartbeat was 170bpm and the baby was measuring to the day. A little blood remained in my uterus, which they explained was the occasional brown spotting I was seeing. Overall everything looked great so they graduated me to my regular OB. At 11weeks 1 day I went to my OB for an ultrasound due to a concern that I was seeing a bit of brown/tan spotting everyday (Up until 8 weeks 5days the spotting had been only a couple days a week but now I had been seeing it more consistently). During this ultrasound we discovered that the baby was still measuring 8 weeks and that it no longer had a heartbeat. I had a d&c yesterday. Doctor couldn’t say for sure that the SCH was to blame. Just curious if anyone else has experienced something similar. Whereas SCH was no longer causing heavy bleeding but still managed to restrict growth and ultimately result in a missed miscarriage?