How did your drs handle your miscarriage


I'm sorry to ask this but I feel like my dr was too nonchalant about the whole thing. I barely talked to the nurse dr didnt want to see me she had me go in for blood draws that I assume came back down to 2 or less bc they never told me anything. Went from she wants an ultrasound to just go for one more draw you dont need an ultrasound. Buy again I have no idea if the beta levels came out where they should bc I never got any notice no call no message in my online chart no mailed letter. No communication! I wont ever be going back to that facility bc I feel like it was handled so poorly for someone that knew nothing about miscarrying.

And I'll add that they'd tell me to go do the beta and not even put the order in 3 days later.

So I just am curious if this is normal protocol or if this dr and facilitate is just that shitty.