TTC with Adenomyosis


We checked-in with our OB last January, since I thought I was having an implantation and yet had a heavy bleeding a couple of days after. She requested for a TVU, with which we did, and resulted with a negative pregnancy but normal findings. I guess it was just a false implantation, 😬

Lab result from the TVU was normal and I even knew that I had inverted uterus and adenomyosis. Looked this up with Mr. google and finding that this has no threat at all on us TTC. So we continued with our quest. Not further consulting with our OB.

Moving forward to March, where I thought we are really gonna conceive, since everything was ok with us, assuming we are healthy lads with all the check-up with did in late Jan and early Feb. Tested and checked that I had my ovulation—Used clear blue for this one. Made sure we had a lot of baby dancing during my ovulation. So there was really hope.

Came my period week, I was a day late, but had my period the next day. 💔 broke our hearts. So we decided to seek help from our OB once again. It was like maybe hubby should take that extra mile in this check-up, and have his sperm count already. 😶 He was really not offended at all by this request, I love him for this.

So yesterday, we had our visit to our OB. She requested the result from previous TVU. And to my surprise, she emphasized, on my adenomyosis. She said, that if we want to conceive, I hope that this will not get in the way. So she requested for another TVU, on my ovulation day just to make sure that I am still ovulating with this condition.

We are 4 mos TTC. And learning about this gives me anxiety. I hope that everything is just ok. And that we don’t need to cure anything. Coz that would be heartbreaking, than it is already. Having your period everytime is like a pierce to our hearts. And this TTC has consumed us already. So its hard. Learning this.

Staying positive tho! Pray for us guys! 🙏🏼