Dear Lord,

Emily • I`m 38 TTC#1. I have 3 cysts on my left ovary, a blocked left tube (hydrosalpinx), a blocked right tube and polops on my uterus. Starting round 1 of ivf in Feb/March 2022.
I have learned that the blessings I truly need in my life only come from you. I look to you for everything I need in my life. Please help me to put all my expectations in you. My soul has waited and still waits silently for you alone. For my expectations are from you. I pray you One day will allow me to carry and bear a child the same way I was brought into this world. Allow me to love and cherish my child for the rest of my life and after.. I know you keep your promises my dear Lord, my maker, my creator. I have cried, I have begged, I have longed for a baby with this Man, the Man I love Just as I love you. You my dear Lord, my healer and my strength.. You are the one power in the world great enough to help me through the tough times and the pain and the difficult things I face including becoming pregnant. I only hope that One day my faith Will become reality... With your will... I give it all to you. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.